5 fun ways you can get your exercise fix for free
Between the endless advertisements for weight loss plans and gym programs, it’s not surprising that some of us come to believe that it’s not possible to get fit or exercise for free. With the need to balance increasingly busy lives, it’s a struggle for many of us to find any free time at all. And, when we do, many of us put exercise in the too hard basket. Combined with the constant messaging telling us that we can’t do it on our own, the idea that you need to pay someone else to help you get fit is now a widely held belief. The thing is, we ARE capable of doing it on our own and there are many opportunities to exercise for free. Really.Get started with these fun and free exercise ideas
The key to getting started with a regular exercise regime is to find something fun. If the gym isn’t your thing or the thought of having a jog doesn’t excite you, you won’t be motivated to keep going and you’ll find yourself back at square one. While investing in a gym membership or PT program might be the motivation you need to get out of bed each morning, if money doesn't drive you, you’re better off trying a few free activities first. That way you can see what might work best before laying down your cash. To help you out, here are five of our favourite free exercise ideas.
Join your local Parkrun
Parkrun is a free, timed community 5km run/walk that takes place every Saturday morning. While you will find serious runners and joggers at your local gathering, you will also see families, older participants and others who are more interested in chatting away and enjoying the outdoors than achieving a PB. Check out Parkrun Australia to find your nearest event.
Try out a free fitness app
If you’re looking for a little bit of guidance as you start your fitness journey, why not take advantage of one of the hundreds of free fitness apps out there? From couch to 5K apps through to 7-minute workouts, you’re sure to find an app that will help you make exercise a regular part of your day and guide you towards a healthier and happier life.
Climb stairs to catch the view
Stair climbing might not sound like much fun but if you have the right motivation, it can be a great way to start your fitness journey. Whether you start taking the stairs at work, practice at home or take yourself out to the local park, stair climbing provides lots of opportunities for a free workout. Bonus points if you live near the beach or a hilly trail and have to climb up to catch the view!

Utilise outdoor gym equipment
Local councils across Australia are starting to install outdoor gym equipment in their parks and playgrounds which provides an awesome opportunity to work out for free. Take your kids for a play and sneak in a quick workout or arrange to meet a friend for some exercise instead of the usual coffee. Find your local outdoor gym and enjoy exercising in the great outdoors.
Have a dance party at home
There’s nothing stopping any of us from turning up the music and having an old-fashioned dance party at home. Shake your booty on your own, get the kids to dance with you or have a few friends over for an evening boogie. Whichever way you do it, you’ll be moving your body, burning calories, building muscle and having a whole lot of fun at the same time! Exercising for free is easier than you think, and these are just 5 ideas to get you started. Have you found another way to get fit without having to pay for the privilege? Let us know how you go about it - we’d love to add your suggestion to this list!
Roar Republic is here to support you, no matter how you choose to work out. Focused on empowering women, our soft and supportive activewear range helps you get through the day. Check out our latest range and get ready to #MakeYourMove.
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